Tag Archives: GB is the harlot

Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a Cult

JW’s are not a cult.

As we get closer to God’s Kingdom being BORN, (Matt 24:8; Mark 13:8) more and more problems are going to be exposed within JW’s by Christ. He uses HIS Anointed Witnesses to do that (Acts 1:8; Rev 12:7) in relaying information, that will expose what is going on within that organization.

This REAL Truth from Him, exposes the spiritual condition going on within Anointed.

This is especially true within the Governing Body…whose Unfaithful spirit medium influences are seen within the organization of JW’s. Proof the Governing Body is a spirit medium here.

Adding to the idea that JW’s are a cult, are the many people who are using information once hidden, to expose the many problems within JW’ and their organization. Because these activists rightly are distressed about these horrendous things, they are labeling JW’s a CULT as the REASON for all the problems.

They are saying,The reason these things are happening, is because JW’s are a “cult”.

That they mind control…

the prophetic lies and flip-flops coming from the Governing Body…

the cover up of child sexual abuse which was exposed during the Royal Commission in Australia…

All these terrible things and MORE….must indicate JW’s are a cult.

This is NOT the case!

Lets see WHY these things are happening within JW’s.

Why then are we seeing all these terrible things being exposed during this time, when it was hidden for so long?

There are 2 main reasons.

Firstly, Christ predicted that The “Heavens” of Anointed at this time would go through a “sifting” Birth-pangs before God’s Kingdom is  Born. Matt 24:8,; Mark 13:8

This was needed to EXPOSE WHO are the “lying deceitful Anointed”(false Christ’s) that He predicted would exist within Anointed at this time.(Matt 24:24)

Yes, importantly; part of the “Signs” Christ spoke about would include Anointed who would become Unfaithful and betray their Anointing.

This would be manifested by their being “false Christ’s”, which in Greek means:“ lying deceitful ANOINTED”. As there are “earth-quakes, food shortages, pestilences etc” all happening as part of the True “Signs”, among all the events just mentioned, was the predicted appearance of “false Christ’s…or in the Greek: “lying deceitful Anointed”.

Secondly, Christ predicted that the result of genuine Anointed becoming Unfaithful, would result in a spiritual Harlot existing, because they had become “lying deceitful Anointed”.

The Governing Body are THAT SPIRITUAL HARLOT.

Key point.

The term “Harlot” explains the many problems within JW’s.

The term “Harlot” in Greek means “whore-monger”.

This means, someone who is a whore themselves. BUT importantly, they are also a “monger” of their own corruption onto others…they have made being a “whore” their “business”. “monger” is an older English word which means “business”. The Governing Body have gone out of their way, to make it their “business” as spiritual whores themselves who use divination(Revelation 9:21;18:23; 21:8; 22:15), to make spiritual whores out of others, especially other Anointed within JW’s.

That is what a “monger” means, to be in the “business”, to gain something materially (in this case spiritually gaining), by making others a spiritual “whore/Harlot” as they themselves are.

The Governing Body have become a “spirit medium” for Satan. See the proof the Governing Body ARE such.

There being a “spirit medium” within an organization, would certainly affect what goes on within it!

Scriptural proof GB are a spirit medium.

What do the Governing Body gain by spreading their spiritual Harlots corruption throughout the organization? Rulership/governance over a World Wide spiritual empire!

This IS what we are seeing within JW’s. The Governing Body as a “whore-monger”, HAS made “Harlots” out of other Anointed.

They are the MOTHER of Harlots (Revelation 17:5), because from Her business efforts as a “whore-monger”, she makes other spiritual harlots OF ANOINTED within JW’s!

They have stolen these Bride members from Christ, so they can have them for themselves. How? By using “business skills” that Satan has supplied them. There are many things, but primarily and significantly, the “signs” within Satan’s world, that seemingly back the Governing Body’s prophetic lies about 1914. Satan has supplied these counterfeit signs, which makes it look like the Governing Body should be “governing” the organization, teaching all Jw’s, but especially other Anointed whose spiritual Head is Christ, NOT THEM! Matt 24:24.

The Governing Body Harlots ways, have also influenced other powerful identities within that organization of JWs…the so called “elder” arrangement. These spiritual gentiles, follow instructions from the Governing Body about important matters regarding “procedures” to be followed…within the organization. Romans 13:1-7,4: ”But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practises evil.” What is the sword mentioned there? Justice/punishment for breaking the law.

What kind of “spiritual guidance” have the Governing Body given to “elders”, that reflects their spiritual harlotry and corruption? “elders” were instructed by the Governing Body for over SIXTY YEARS…NOT to go to police if a minor was raped or “sexually abused/molested” in some way. Is this in harmony with the above scripture? No! Paul clearly stated that Christians, MUST respect the “secular authorities” in legal/law matters. Did the Governing Body back this as a sign of it following God faithfully?

No, they instructed the exact opposite of God’s direction…because they ARE a spiritual Harlot!

The “elders” showed they ARE NOT directed by Holy spirit either, in blindly following these GODLESS instructions from a spiritual Harlot! If they are really appointed by Holy Spirit, then why don’t they know the Governing Body is a spiritual Harlot? Why do they follow advice, NOT coming from God in the Bible?!

So the Governing Body went against what GOD told Christians to do in regards to criminal mattes. Which is why, now this is discovered as happening for over six DECADES, is bringing much reproach on God!

The instructions sent to “elders” is not from God, but it came from a spiritual HARLOT, who was once faithful Anointed.

Important point.

The instructions “elders” were given, was a reflection of the GB’s corruption as “lying deceitful ANOINTED”…NOT because JW’s are a cult.

ALL matters going on within JW’s, is a reflection of the GB’s corruption as Unfaithful Apostate Anointed!…not because JW’s are a cult. It’s NOT even God’s “true religion” as the Governing Body claims!  The word “Jehovah” in the title “Jehovah’s witnesses” is a catholic invention as the Governing Body admit! So the title of their religion is partly Catholic. This is what happens when a spiritually corrupt Harlot “governs” an organization.

But the point of this blog, is to make clear that the problems within JW’s, are ALL because of the once faithful Anointed within the Governing Body who have made it their “business” as a “monger” to be a spiritual “whore-monger”…

To DELIBERATELY spiritually corrupt Anointed and others, SO they can have their lust for power satisfied by having rulership and “governance” over a world wide spiritual organization/empire.

This is one of the many warnings Jah wants known through the term Harlot/ “whore-monger”. That there IS such a spiritual identity within JW’s IS the reason for such terrible things happening there!

If you CHOOSE to make it your business to corrupt others spiritually so you can have UNLAWFUL rulership WITHOUT Christ, then you have to corrupt the people you want to rule over, because you can’t use Truth. This is what the Governing Body have done. They have taught nothing but PROPHETIC spiritual LIES, so they can have rulership/governance.

The Governing Body’s TRUE spiritual corruption is being exposed by God through Christ…and their being a spiritual Harlot/Whore-monger is the reason there are so many problems within JW’s…

The Governing Body have to corrupt those they rule over to keep their “governance”…

and their spiritual corruption is seen by what is happening within JW’s, because the Governing Body Harlot, is spreading Her Harlots business throughout the organization. Especially are Her efforts the highest amongst other Anointed under their “governance”. The Governing Body want to make whores out of these members of Christ’s Bride.

The Governing Body’s “business” as a “whore-monger/Harlot” of spiritually corrupting people has worked…as the term “Harlot” indicates! What is going on within JW’s PROVES The Harlots efforts through being a “spirit medium” for Satan, have made Her “business” as a “whore-monger”successful.

Her Harlots values and spiritual corruption is seen throughout the organization.

Why are there so many problems within JW’s?

It is “governed” by UN-faithful Anointed who have become spiritual Harlots! Matt 24:24.

The Governing Body have become a “spirit medium” for Satan. This is a big part of why the Governing Body are a spiritual Harlot against Jah and Christ. See here the proof that the Governing Body ARE a spirit medium for Satan. Scriptural proof here.